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Hi there, I am Bahriddin

I am a JavaScript Software Engineer

I am a master's degree student at Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi. Moreover, I am a skilled JavaScript Engineer with a strong background in developing, testing, and debugging coding projects. Proven ability to write clean, maintainable code that adheres to software development standards. Demonstrated strengths include problem-solving skills, adaptability, and deep understanding of current web technologies. In previous roles, contributed significantly to team-oriented solutions and innovative software designs.


I am Boltayev Bahriddin

My Skills

  • JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS, React Router, React Query, Redux, Redux Toolkit, RTK Query, Redux Thunk, Axios, REST API, React Testing Library, Jest, Vitest, Vite, React-Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, HTML, CSS, CSS Modules, SASS/SCSS, Bootstrap CSS, Webpack, etc.
  • Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, JWT (JSON Web Token), Middlewares, bcrypt, bcryptjs, C++, C#, English, Algorithms, Problem-solving, etc.
  • Visual Studio Code, JetBrains WebStorm, GitHub, Git.

My Experience

11/2024 – Current Junior Software Engineer (EPAM Systems – Tashkent)
  • Actively working on an Agile team.
  • Participated in the frontend part of an educational project.
07/2024 – 11/2024 JavaScript Intern Developer (EPAM Systems – Tashkent)
  • Developed and implemented full-stack applications using MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, and Node.js (MERN).
  • Ensured efficient data handling by utilizing React Query and implementing Redux Thunk Middleware for API interactions.
  • Utilized React design patterns, including layout components, higher-order components, controlled and uncontrolled components, and custom hook patterns, to enhance application structure and reusability.
  • Developed secure, scalable RESTful APIs for seamless data flow between ReactJS and Node.js/Express, utilizing Mongoose for optimized database management and efficient CRUD operations. Designed and implemented MongoDB schemas, ensuring performance and scalability while adhering to the MVC architecture for clean, modular server-side code.
  • Utilized asynchronous programming (with Promises and async/await) to ensure non-blocking I/O operations, improving application responsiveness.
12/2023 – 02/2024 JavaScript Intern Developer (Itransition Group – Tashkent)
  • Developed and implemented full-stack applications using JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS, React Router, Axios, Redux, Redux Toolkit, RTK Query, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, JWT (JSON Web Token) for authentication and authorization, along with password hashing libraries bcrypt and bcryptjs.
  • Managed application state using Redux and Redux Toolkit.
  • Utilized RTK Query and Axios for API interactions, ensuring efficient data handling.
  • Implemented secure authentication and authorization systems with JWT.
  • Performed password hashing and validation using bcrypt and bcryptjs to enhance security.
  • Created reusable components, libraries and plugins for use in other projects.
  • Collaborated with other developers to ensure code consistency and quality.
  • Collaborated closely with cross-functional teams, contributing to project planning, development, and delivery.


09/2024 – Expected in 2026

Master’s Degree: Software Engineering

Tashkent University of Information Technologies – Tashkent, Uzbekistan

09/2020 – 06/2024

Bachelor of Science: Software Engineering

Tashkent University of Information Technologies – Tashkent, Uzbekistan

My Projects

Movie App React.js
E-Commerce website React.js, Node.js (Express.js), MongoDB
Collection Management React.js, Node.js (Express.js), MongoDB
User Management React.js, Node.js (Express.js), MongoDB
Book Shelf React.js, Node.js (Express.js) and MongoDB
Book Store React.js, Node.js (Express.js), MongoDB
Cooking techniques React.js
Workout Buddy React, ExpressJs, MongoDb (MERN)
Fake Users React
Star Wars Info React Query to interact with API
Information about Countries Webpack
Smart Devices React, Bootstrap
Popular Clothes React.js Read More
Furniture html5, css3, bootstrap5, Javascript
Travel website HTML5, CSS3, Javascript
Furniture Store HTML5, CSS3, Javascript
Shoes Shops html5, css3, Javascript Read More
Weekaway Adventure React App with Tailwind CSS Read More